Education Solutions

As the demands of the education industry rises each year, major local and international industry players have created plenty of new opportunities and new methods to fulfil its needs. To meet these high demands, CompuTech have created a large variety of new solutions, both in software and hardware, which are of international standards for the educational industry.

There are various sectors in education industry, and the largest of these are mostly centred in tertiary education. Computech is well-known as one of the best companies in this sector by taking deep interest in developing IT-related technology for both primary and secondary schools and institutes of higher education.

Our Education IT product solutions are divided into two parts, School Education and Tertiary Education.


1. School Education

We have implemented the software solution to two major private schools in Malaysia, namely the Fairview International School and Sekolah Sri Sedaya Primary and Secondary School. These two schools utilise eduSmart 2007, one of our products Computech has created for school education.






2. Tertiary Education

Tertiary Education has been our main focus in the development of software in education for the past 10 years.  UCSI University is our largest and oldest customer in the education sector, and together, we have developed many IT solutions which have strategically assisted the University in growing and expanding its influence locally and internationally.

Some of the software products that we have created for the Tertiary Education can be seen in the pics to the right and below:



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